
Masking Policy Update for Children starting 4/11/22

To: ACHR CDP Parents and Staff

From: Natalie Stephens RD LD, Health Services Coordinator

            With the Early/Head Start Management Team

Re: Masking at our Centers

Date:  April 8, 2022

Starting Monday, April 11, 2022, masking for children 2 years old and older will be optional in our centers.  The threshold used to determine the indoor mask requirement is based on a delta point of 0.5% of each center’s student and staff population.

All adults who enter the centers will be required to continue to mask at this time.

Per procedures, the Health Services Coordinator is notified of anyone who becomes COVID positive.  ACHR staff will remain vigilant in maintaining a safe school environment.  Please notify the Health Services Coordinator of any COVID positives to help us continue to make informed decisions.  If any center’s positivity rate reaches above the threshold of 0.5%, masks again will be required.

If a parent wants a child to mask at the center and/or on the bus, the parent should send the child in a mask; we will keep extra.

You may get a copy of the official memo at your child’s Head Start center or you can download it here.